2 Divisons 18+ Male / 18+ Female 5 weights -65, -75, -85, -95, +96
*Full Contact Karate / Kyokushin rules 3x2 normal fight / 5x2 title fight
*Full Contact Karate / Combat rules (with grappling) 3x2 normal fight / 5x2 title fight
Protection only mouth / groin , lady's breast cups
Only greenbelt, brownbelt and blackbelt fighters
Only mini poule and matchmaking, a 4 persons tournament, a 3 persons or a 2 persons fight. We have loss, win but also a tie / Hikiwake, fighters should win or loose from a fighter, not from judges.
Referee: only 3 including the main referee. The main referee looks at forbidden techniques or any problems with the fighters, he will not respond on cornor judges for interfering with the fight. They record points and oversee the fight.
Soon more info / details on the WKKO website.
2 Divisons 18+ Male / 18+ Female 5 weights -65, -75, -85, -95, +96
*Full Contact Karate / Kyokushin rules 3x2 normal fight / 5x2 title fight
*Full Contact Karate / Combat rules (with grappling) 3x2 normal fight / 5x2 title fight
Protection only mouth / groin , lady's breast cups
Only greenbelt, brownbelt and blackbelt fighters
Only mini poule and matchmaking, a 4 persons tournament, a 3 persons or a 2 persons fight. We have loss, win but also a tie / Hikiwake, fighters should win or loose from a fighter, not from judges.
Referee: only 3 including the main referee. The main referee looks at forbidden techniques or any problems with the fighters, he will not respond on cornor judges for interfering with the fight. They record points and oversee the fight.
Soon more info / details on the WKKO website.