1st Gulyas Hungary and 1st Senol Osaka Prokarate draw
1st Mark Osaka and 1st Donnie Osaka Prokarate draw
1st Diede Ashigaru and 2nd Robin Osaka Kyokushin Karate
Female Junior Dutch title
1st Destiny Hoogeveen Gym and 1st Shirine Osaka Kyokushin Karate draw
Male Junior
1st Mischa Osaka and shared 2nd Charif Ashigaru and Itsen Osaka Kyokushin Karate
WKKO referees Renshi RP Ashigaru Kamakura and Sempai Pawan Kamakura
WKKO time table Janine Ashigaru and Pascal Osaka
WKKO coaching by Renshi RP Ashigaru Kamakura, Sempai Gerry Hoogeveen Gym, Sempai Floris Osaka, Sempai Joanne Osaka and Hanna Ashigaru and Mel Hoogeveen Gym
Thanks to Tribe Dojo, thanks to the film crew, thanks to the team from Hungary and thanks to the wonderful WKKO group Ashigaru Kamakura Hoogeveen Gym and Osaka.