Present day 14/01/2025 senior Full Contact Combat Karate exams in the WKKO Ashigaru Honbu Dojo Netherlands. 120 minutes of suffering. First strength and conditioning with Sempai Gavyn. Then Kihon with Sensei Robbert who was there despite his recovery, followed by Sensei Maarten with his beautiful kicking techniques. Then combinations with Sensei Fred. After that it was a bit of a break on the cushions with Renshi RP. Eventually the many Full Contact Kumite fights divided into two systems, Kyokushin and Kyokushin Budokai Karate. There was a lot of fighting and some broke here and there, but that will be fine. Guidance of all the above mentioned black belts and Sempai Edmond and Sempai Rik. And all instructors participated in their part, both in the 100 push ups and in the Kumite. One had to get at least a 6 for the many parts to pass. Some passed with a 6 and one even with a 9. After the exam, Sensei Maarten and Sensei Fred received a memento for their 20-year membership at Ashigaru. Every week they are always there several times, that's commitment and loyalty. Osu |
Cosa è il Karate Kyokushin?
Il Kyokushin è un stile di karate fondato dal maestro Masutatsu Oyama nel 1964. È famoso per i suoi allenamenti impegnativi e realistici, che non solo sviluppano le abilità tecniche, ma mettono alla prova anche la forza mentale degli allievi. Attraverso le sfide affrontate in allenamento l’allievo impara a superare i propri limiti, diventando più forte e sicuro di sé. Il Kyokushin ha influenzato numerosi altri stili di arti marziali ed è praticato in tutto il mondo da uomini, donne e bambini di tutte le età. Se vuoi praticare ad ALCAMO questa bellissima disciplina, ci trovate presso Hathor- spazio artistico e culturale Info 3277747857 Welcome Shihan Mehrdad as WKKO representative in Iran for the Ashigaru-Ryu style and section in the WKKO. Osu
We are planning a WKKO event in Sicily Italia for the month of July. It will be a joint event of several Dojo's and people. It will be for Kenpokai and Kyokushin fighters. Renshi RP WKKO Chairman will be there. Info will be in time on the WKKO website news.
Osu WKKO Board Dear and Respected Chairman Renshi RP,
my very best wishes for the NEW YEAR.. to You and all your martial Staff!! Sensei Marco BANDIOLI WKKO Italia Osu Wishing you and all the members of WKKO a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
Mark Strasser WKKO Canadian Branch Osu Dear members of the WKKO.
Renshi RP wants to travel less in the coming year and stay more in his home country of the Netherlands in his Dojos etc. In order to reach members worldwide, we are going to set up a test/project. We are going to make clips with our own subject, and make clips at the request of members. These clips are only sent personally by Whatsapp. Keep the clips for yourself and your members and don't put them online. It's better to learn from the clips, record it and post it back online. The clips will be recorded and sent in the WKKO Ashigaru Honbu Dojo. We have given some lessons in the past year by zoom and teams etc, all media providers but Renshi RP doesn't like that very much. So through this project we are going to see how it will go. Do you want to know/see something specific? Then app to Renshi RP. Osu 14-15.12.2024
Russia, Novosibirsk. In the BUDOKAI United Martial Arts Federation, a planned event was held to further develop the organization, specifically with regard to the ALL-ROUND FIGHTING direction. The event was held for invited persons A. P. Butsik, founder of the Finist Sports Complex in Kemerovo, and L.K. Vasilyev, ex-president of the Federation of National Military-Industrial Union in hand-to-hand combat, CDT Sodruzhestvo - RB Siberia Novosibirsk, as well as for a small number of designated athletes from these sports organizations. An explanation of the joint work was provided, and suggestions for further cooperation were made. Let's go ahead! Perepechenov O.Y. 5-Dan Osu Of course our main-leader of the WKKO Iran is Shihan Katebi. But Shihan Mehrdad Qarachelo will be the representative in Iran of the ASHIGARU Dojo's founded by Renshi RP worldwide. He will uphold all relations between the Honbu in the Netherlands, and the affiliated Dojo's in the Middle-East. Osu
For a while we did not hear from our Hanshi Valeriy Osokin, WKKO member and advisor from Russia for many years. To find out today that he passed away. Rest in peace. Osu
WKKO/IBK Message,
The following person Yaroslav Lyashenko from Russia is no member of WKKO and IBK and cannot use the name and logo's. He is always hunting for memberships and certificates everywhere. Kajukenbo, Combudo, Aikido, Kempo, Jujutsu, Kickboxing, Mma and even wanted a Kyokushin certificate, never training in Kyokushin. Always begging for higher ranks etc, but his technique is very low and minor knowledge. Osu WKKO/IBK Board Welcome to the following new Kickboxing Dojo's from Iran into the WKKO International Organization.
WKKO WAKO Isfahan Dojo Iran WKKO WAKO Zarrehclub Dojo Iran WKKO WAKO Khorasani Dojo Iran WKKO WAKO Kermanshah Dojo Iran WKKO WAKO Boxingstudio Dojo Iran WKKO WAKO Gilan Dojo Iran WKKO WAKO Markazi Dojo Iran WKKO WAKO Khuzestan Dojo Iran WKKO WAKO Balochestan Dojo Iran Osu WKKO Board |
February 2025
WKKOHere you can find all news info about our groups. Osu Categories |